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Boredest Privacy Policy

The following refers to all services provided by Boredest.

All personal information is of your choosing to supply. Any and all personal information added to your "Profile" is viewable by other members.

Your IP address (Internet protocol) and Hostname are logged for administrative purposes.

Boredest uses a form of encryption to mask your password, for the security of your account.

For a further measure of security, you should never give out your encrypted pass. This information is stored on your computer and our server, only.

Your private and public email(s) are ONLY used for administrative purposes and are not sold to third parties. Boredest will never send out unsolicited mail. Any mail you may receive from an email claiming to be apart of Boredest should be, at first, considered as fraudulent.

Generally, Boredest will not contact you, until you have contacted us. No information provided to us will be passed onto or sold to 3rd parties, by means of our control.

Boredest cannot be held responsible for any information you choose to disclose, via our message boards, chat or other means of communication through the game.


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